Thursday, November 19, 2015

Protecting Refugees and the USA

Once again our political parties, President and the media are full throttle with mass hysteria and misinformation. The headlines and quotes from politicians are streaming across the airwaves with what I can only call Bullshit.

CNN: 'House passes Bill that could limit Syrian Refugees'
NBC News: 'U.S. House Votes to Halt Syrian Refugee Resettlement Program'
Business Insider: 'Democrats just delivered a stunning blow to Obama's Syrian Refugee Program'
ABC News: 'House Votes to Curb Syrian Refugees, Snubs Obama Veto Threat'
Hillary Clinton: "Turning away orphans, applying a religious test, discriminating against Muslims, slamming the door on every Syrian refugee — that is just not who we are. We are better than that."
Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.): “The United States has always been and should always be a place of refuge," “We might as well take down the Statue of Liberty.”

Read through each article and you will not find any link to the actual bill nor a reference to the name of the bill which by the way is H.R. 4038.IH.

FBI Director James Comey has admitted the federal government cannot conduct thorough background checks on the Syrian refugees. Congress is attempting to develop a process to insure the vetting process is accurate.

I understand politicians desire to blow smoke but why cant the media just report the facts so the people can decide for themselves. I have included the link to the text of H.R. 4038.IH, so you may read it yourself.

I urge you to read it yourself. The legislation is not offensive to the refugees or our allies There are no slamming doors on any refugee. It does not undermine our values so much so that we should remove the Statue of Liberty as Jerrold Nadler insists with ridiculous amounts of drama. 

The bill is common sense legislation that requires the parties involved, the Administration, FBI, Homeland Security and Congress to be involved in the process to verify the best they may the threat level of an individual entering our nation.

President Obama has spent the past 6 years tearing apart our immigration laws and encouraged individual cities to abandon completely the law of our land while creating sanctuary cities. These irresponsible actions by the President has forced Congress to take action today by crafting a common sense law to add a small layer of protection for our citizens and the refugees we are and always have been willing to help.

This crises should be incentive for the People to demand genuine Immigration modernization that will resolve this and many of our additional immigration issues in a rational and logical manner befitting the Nation of Immigrants.   

The Actual Text of the Bill