Friday, June 26, 2015

Check 'Other' to End Racism

Alabama has removed the Confederate Flag  from a memorial at their state capitol. We are spending quite a bit of energy on identifying symbols of racism. Perhaps its time get past the symbolism and actually end racism. Let us begin by eliminating the laws and organizations that promote racism throughout our nation. Any law or organization that targets a specific race for advancement or elimination is a racist organization. This includes organizations such as:

The Ku Klux Klan, The Aryan Nation, The Black Panthers, The Congressional Black Caucus, Louis Farrakhan's Nation of Islam, The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, even President Obama's Brothers Keeper. Just to name a few.

I find it insulting that our very own President has created his own racist group that he operates out of the White House. President Obama's Brother's Keeper organization helps poor and disadvantage black children as if there are no poor disadvantaged white children.

Once we ban these organizations we can focus on eliminating 'black' and 'minority' communities. I  lived in several black communities but I am white. Despite the black community label I found other white people living there. I even found yellow, red, brown, tan and yes purple people all living in the 'black community'. In our nation we shouldn't label a community based on the majority of its residents skin color. Every community across our nation is an American community and should be identified in that manner.

Because of the political power of racist organizations, laws have been made that force us into a racist mindset. When you enter a hospital, apply for a job or school, fill out a government form you are asked to identify your race. It is time to create movement of civil disobedience. Next time you are required to proclaim your race in an application check 'Other'. After all each of us belong to the one superior race, the Human Race.

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