Monday, March 16, 2020

Nothing Wrong In Admitting We Just Don't Understand

It is important to understand the simple premise "we do not understand". The COVID-19 virus is new. Our bodies have never dealt with it before therefore there is no existing antibodies within our systems to combat it. Our bodies are learning and will adjust naturally. This way if there is a next time those exposed will have a better chance of fighting it off the next time around.

The Corona is a new virus. We have seen some like it but this is its own and we unfortunately are forced to learn as we grow. We are in such a better situation then 20 or even 10 years ago with our capabilites to isolate he virus.  except that which we are trying to learn each day. We do know washing hands keeping hands away from our faces using

Coronavirus (CoV) Family

Family members of the Coronavirus include the
       1. Common Cold
       2. Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV)
       3. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV)
       4. COVID-19

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS): outbreak occurred in 2003. It had a fatality rate of 9.6% and reached 29 countries. There have not been any new cases identified since 2004.

Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS): was identified in 2012. It reached 28 countries and had a fatality rate of 34.4% . MERS was first discovered in Saudi Arabia and was believed to have come from an animal source.

COVID-19: The corona virus currently sweeping through the world is the COVID-19 strain. This is a new strain of the coronavirus (CoV) family.

We are no closer to curing the common cold then we are COVID-19 or any of the other members of the coronavirus family. There are no meds, anitbiotics, or antiviral treatments to cure any of the coronavirus infections. Medical teams can only treat the patients symptoms and in severe cases work to prevent vital organ function failure.

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