Monday, October 5, 2015

Benghazi Truth Retold

The Real Benghazi Report: 

Hillary and Pres Obama received warnings from April 2012 to Aug 2012 regarding possible attacks on the US consulate in Benghazi.  These "leaders" ignored the warnings and repeated attacks on the consulate. 

During the same period intelligence reports were delivered to the President and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stating a likely attack will occur on the consulate during the 9/11 anniversary. 

In August Hillary and President Obama received additional warnings via email, phone call and meetings with several intelligence and security analysts. Ambassador Stevens told Hillary Clinton an attack on Benghazi was likely to occur. 

Requests were made to President Obama and Hillary for additional security resources and if resources could not be obtained it was deemed best to temporarily shut down the consulate. 

Hillary Clinton and President Obama IGNORED these attacks and IGNORED these reports and pleas by personnel on the ground. These two "leaders" blatantly REFUSED any requests for help. 

As a result of President Obama and Hillary Clinton's defiance and ignorance to the pending situation U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens; information management officer Sean Smith; and two security officers Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty.were brutally murdered. 

I do not understand how a so-called "Leader" can blatantly disregard their own people. It shows a phenomenal amount of arrogance. In my opinion Hillary Clinton and President Obama were accomplices in the murder of these men 

This is the type of leadership we have running our nation. Congress has now spent 3 years wasting our money and time for a political game designed to distract the American public until the issue is so far removed from teh short spanned minds of the American people. The Benghazi murders are no longer considered an issue. 

To further hide the truth and distract the American people media profiteers such as Rachel Maddow and others are ignoring the murders and directing their resources to the email controversy. There should not be a controversy. If some poor schmuck intelligence analyst was to be caught in Hillary Clinton's server scandal their clearance would be revoked they would be fired immediately and criminal charges would be pending. End of story. Unfortunately Hillary Clinton and her ilk protected by their media soldiers like Rachel Maddow remain above the law. 

Beside the murders what saddens me the most is how distracted the American people have become. We allow politicians like Hillary Clinton to continue to profit from their political career. They must laugh at us as we naively accept their lies and continue to allow them to "lead" and control our country. In my opinion leaders with honor and integrity have become a thing of the past because the American people have allowed it. 

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