Saturday, October 10, 2015

Declare Your Independence To Stop Polarization

The United States has become an extremely polarized nation. Polarization makes it impossible to solve problems and difficult to conduct intelligent conversations. Today's national and global issues are stacking up and our leaders have become incapable of properly identifying a problem let alone resolve it.

Polarization has embedded itself throughout our society.  Our nation no longer has the ability to rationally discuss an issue. From our highest political offices to our family dinner table we allow our emotions to to block the facts and opinions of others.  Polarization has been fueled by our media and our political leaders.

Politicians have become adept at garnering voter support by politicizing issues. These politicians manipulate the media who in turn manipulate the American public. This politicizing and manipulation emotionally charges the American voter, which in turn limits their intellectual reasoning. President Obama has become a master politician of this sort. Our current incompetent and polarized Congress is not capable of organizing something as simple as a pot luck dinner. A polarized and incompetent Congress has created the opportunity for President Obama to alter and write laws through executive actions. These executive actions can potentially change the role of the Executive Branch.

The media has chosen sides in the issues. They make no attempt to hide their bias. They are more intent on convincing the public to side with their opinions as opposed to reporting facts. Additionally the media strives to increase ratings by igniting the emotions of the public. It is a shame that in the United States there are no mainstream media channels who report news in an unbiased and factual manner.

The politicians and media have brought our nation to a very dangerous emotional and intellectual state. It is a shame they no longer value honor and integrity in running our nation or reporting the news. The real shame however falls on the American people. We allow ourselves to be controlled by the very politicians we empowered with our vote. And we rely on the media for their biased facts instead of seeking the truth by using the incredible amount of resources we have at our fingertips.

In order for America to resolve the dangerous and increasing problems we face today, we must be open minded not only during the problem solving process but especially with identifying the problem. Too often we waste valuable time and resources attempting to solve a problem without fully understanding the problem.

The American Individual must become more involved with the political process. We need hard working honest people to step up and run for office. As individuals we need to support these efforts by encouraging and helping friends and neighbors who would do well to represent us. The House of Representatives was designed to be the People's House not a party house. We need more teachers, bus drivers, factory workers, bartenders, and other intelligent, hard working people and less of the make up wearing, slick talking professional politicians in OUR House representing OUR people.

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