Friday, December 18, 2015

Bernie Steals From Hillary Blames DNC of Sabotage

Sometimes I need to stop what I am doing and figure things out one step at a time.

So lets get this right Bernie gets caught stealing voter data from Hillary and then accuses the DNC of undermining his campaign. Bernie's campaign was able to steal the data because of a 'software glitch'. This is an interesting defense. So if you steal a car because there was a glitch with the locking mechanism and the ignition system its really not stealing. According to Bernie arresting the thieve is some sort of harassment. And that thief has a right to sue. 

Here is where I need the timeout. 

Lets try to break this down:

On Wednesday December 16 Hillary Clinton  learned of a breach.

Also on Wednesday Bernie  fired a staffer for the breach.

We are not sure which occurred first:

Did Hillary learn of the breach because of the firing 
Did Bernie fire his guy after Hillary found out about the data breach. 

It turns out this occurred months ago or perhaps that was an additional occurrence. 

Bernie jumped up and fired his guy but it turns out four of his guys accessed the data. Not only did they "accidentally" access the data they also searched, queried and copied the data to other files.Seemingly accidental of course.

Bernie's Campaign Manager Michael Briggs is blaming the data software company for leaving the keys in the car 

You can read article after article as this story unfolds but the story we get will never be the truth. these guys are all just slick bullshi77ers who massage and manipulate the truth to a point that makes it impossible for anyone to even know the original point. 

So many Americans in the intel world have been put at risk when their personal security information was breached. It is the incompetence of not only Bernie Sanders but all his fellow political pals who are running this country. But you will never hear that from them.

Lets face it Honor and Integrity are values that do not exist in Washington DC. This will not change until We The People can find the resolve to take back out country. I fear without the resolve of We the People our nation is going to experience a mighty fall. 

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