Wednesday, December 8, 2021

The First Meal

 Upon landing in Key West we made our way to the realtor office to pick up the keys to the house. Unfortunately we would have t wait several hours for the house to be ready. But hey 'We're on Vacation' Its lunch time and we are on foot. The first place we came to also recommended by the realtor office was the Oasis Mediterranean Cuisine. This is a really cool place with outside seating surrounded by palms trees and tropical bushes. A very large iguana was perched above us for most of our meal. 

I had the Chicken Shawarma while Kelli had her go to Chicken Gyro. These were each 9.99 and well worth the price. 

The chicken was cooked perfectly and the flavor was incredible. Wrapped in pita that was out of this world. The water brought to the table was in a fancy bottle unfortunately it tasted like bad tap water. The service was not too good unless you wanted to be left alone. The order was taken quickly and food delivered promptly but that was it until we were done. I could have used something to drink but the server was no where to be found after he delivered the meal. Regardless the meal was delish. 

We were well satisfied and moved on with several hours before Tim, Allison and the boys were scheduled to land and the house would be ready. 

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