Thursday, December 9, 2021

Key West A Necessary Escape

 Too much stress will kill you as fast as too many cigarettes. S

Diabetics should know that tress will also cause high blood sugars. I would not be surprised to find stress raising sugar levels as much as a bowl of ice cream. So here we begin a 5 day tip to Key West with Kelli, Tim, Allison and the grandkids Timmy and Nate. Sugars have been near 200s for nearly a month now due primarily to stress. Here we are at day 2 and sugars are back down averaging closer to 120. Unbelievable how that works.

How stress gets you or specifically how it gets me. The first thing that happens is my mind starts going into overdrive. This then makes it difficult to fall asleep. Staying up late exhausted leads to consuming unnecessary calories and usually a higher carb food snacks. Then metabolism starts to slow because you simply do not have the proper amount of energy due to the lack of sleep. Shows you how important sleep is to your body. Now weith your energy at a lower level it is more difficult leads to stay active. So you drag your ass around, working out or even just walking are thrown out the window and the downward spiral continues. Sugars continue to go up and remain up, this leads to an increase in insulin which increases weight fueling the downward spiral further. Higher sugars also lead to  depressed state of mind and that further increases your desire to be active. 

Last quarter A1C was 5.6 the next test is scheduled for next week so we will see the effect of this latest downward spiral. Since the A1C represents approx 3 months of sugar levels I expect the results this time will be sharply higher then the previous.

Getting away is one method to break up the downward spiral. And my first ever trip to the Keys seems to be working well.

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