Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Mara's Giant Surprise

New York Football Giants COMM's

5/4/2022: Major Shakeup in Giants Front Office

The following have been fired from the Giants organization.

Ken Sternfeld     Pro Scouting Executive with the team since 2002
Matt Schauger    Senior Proscout/Football Systems analyst with the team since 2005
Chris Pettit         Director of College Scouting  with the team since 2005
Kyle O'Brien      Senior Personnel executive hired last year

Joe Schoen became the Giants General Manager at the end of January. He was smart enough to leave things as they were heading into the draft. There is enough work to be done just getting through a draft. 

When building an organization, corporation of Football team when new management takes over you would expect major personnel changes. But the New York Football Giants are rather unique. Employees become family. Sometimes firing family becomes difficult. These men with the exception of O'Brien have been with the Giants for 15-20 years and multiple General Managers. So true change has not really occurred for the Giants in over a decade. These firings are a good sign because they indicate the Mara family could finally have relinquished control of the team and realize change is truly needed. Joe Schoen would not have been able to incorporate his views and build the culture he envisions with the same people who have been running the show for the last 15+ years. This is a good sign that Joe Schoen is in charge and is indeed rebuilding the team. Fans just have to hope his vision is a winning one. 

Some sites are speculating players selected in the past are going to be released or shopped because they were not Joe Schoen players. To be successful Schoen cannot have this petty character. Although since this now appears to be Joe Schoen's team one can expect the players he selects and keeps are those who does fit into his vision.

All in all these firings are a good sign. Now lets hope Joe Schoen is a good General Manager. 

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