Monday, June 22, 2015

To Indite Daily

Indite is a word of Latin origins rarely used today. Its meaning is: To compose; to write.

The Daily Pill is a collection of written thoughts to express the authors views from sports to politics, finance to cooking, science to history, social issues, relationships or whatever happens to bounce into the overworked mind of the author.

Sometimes there will be noticeable filters in place other times only raw emotional off the cuff remarks that will be either be genius or regretted. A daily exercise for the author to evolve and expand his own thoughts and to share those thoughts with others to encourage others to share their thoughts and further expand, correct, share and journey into those ideas.

A Butterfly Nebula taken with the Hubble Space Telescope. Man is so clever yet so clueless and despite both so ignorant. The Daily Pill attempts to drop the ignorance and create a brainstorming session on the subject matter presented. It may be simple as a Hot Dog recipe. There are thousands of ways to cook and prepare a Hot Dog but there is no correct way. However the more ways we can learn the better we will be able to prepare a Dog.

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