Wednesday, April 1, 2020

COVID-19 Scorecard 4-1


The hope from the numbers of the past few days showing the USA curve flattening were diminished yesterday as new reported cases jumped by 4,445 cases.

As hospitals continue to get slammed American industry is working together to produce necessary equipment. Ford and GE Healthcare have partnered together and began converting Fords Rawsonville Michigan Components plant. The plant will be producing the Airon Corp's Model A-E ventilator. Medicl experts confirm this model can meet the neeeds of COVID-19 patients in an emergency or intensive care unit. The Model A-E ventilator is easy to use and can be quickly deployed.

Production is expected to start April 20. Ford is stating 50,000 ventilators will be produced in the next 100 days as the plant is set up. Once completed Ford believes they will be able to make 30,000 a month. 

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