Thursday, April 9, 2020

COVID-19 Scorecard 4-9

The numbers continue to be collected. The Case Fatality Rate (CFR) continues to inch upwards and today is at 5.85%. It is likely we will end up having to calculate a plus and minus error rate for the CFR.

CFR is calculated simply by dividing the number of casualties by the number of cases and multiply by 100 for percent format. oth the number fo cases and number of casualties are not being reported consistently.

Factors that effect the confirmed cases:
Cases with minor symptoms are not always being tested therefore not counted.
Many countries are only counting cases when and if they are admitted to a hospital.
Many people with symptoms so mild their body successfully overcomes the virus and they never realize they were infected let alone getting tested and confirmed.

Factors now effecting the casualty count:
A patient who dies while infected is counted as a casualty regardless of the actual cause of death. For example terminally ill cancer patients who pass because of their cancer are counted as a COVID-19 casualty if they tested positive for the virus.

As a result of these discrepancies the casualty count is likely lower then the current 5.85% rate calculated today with the John Hopkins University data. 

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