Thursday, July 16, 2015

Four Marines Shot Dead

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the four Marines and their families who were shot dead today in Chattanooga Tn.

U.S. District Attorney William C. Killian has quickly stated officials are treating these murders "as an act of domestic terrorism."  William Killian is the chief law enforcement officer in the eastern district of Tennessee which is made up of 41 counties. He was appointed by President Obama in 2010. We certainly appreciate his enthusiasm but he is supposed to be exemplifying professionalism not enthusiasm.

Chattanooga Police Chief Fred Fletcher declined to speculate on a motive. Too bad Killian did not display the same level of professionalism. This is the proper way for a police chief to respond since he has not real evidence at this point in time. Any remarks he does make can and will be used to confuse and distract from the case. Well done Police Chief Fletcher.

The FBI is in charge of the case since the assault occurred at US Military facilities. Ed Reinhold is the FBI special agent leading the investigation   Reinhold responded to Killian's quick declaration this was an act of domestic terrorism. The Special Agent made it clear there is no evidence to suggest this is a domestic act of terror.

 Our law enforcement officials should not be making any statements at this point other then to assure the public the area is safe and the scene is being investigated. We are already inundated with long winded politicians mobilizing their lynch mobs at the drop of a hat. We remember too well the recent destruction of Baltimore thanks to the last 'Law Enforcement Official' who wanted to play politics.

According to the FBI the definition of "Domestic terrorism" means activities with the following three characteristics:
  • Involve acts dangerous to human life that violate federal or state law;
  • Appear intended  to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or  to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination. or kidnapping; and
  • Occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the U.S 

FBI Definitions of Terrorism

Regardless of the definition we should demand these "Law Enforcement Professionals" behave appropriately in this manner. Perhaps allow Police Chief Fletcher in charge and allow him the time to make the proper analysis of the crime scene. We owe these fine Marines that much.  

News Articles

CBS News
NY Times

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