Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Link to the text of the Iranian Nuclear Deal

We will be giving this a very thorough read.

Text of Iranian Deal

Up Next:

Members of the UN Security Council pass a resolution that endorses the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action between Iran, China, France, Germany, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States, with the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy

60 Days:

Documents of the President's accord with Iran will be sent to the United States Congress. From receipt of the documents Congress has 60 days to write a resolution. The resolution can be written to approve or disapprove the accord. Congress also has the option to do nothing which will in effect mark their approval. Any resolution will be sent back to the President.

President Obama has made it clear he will veto a negative resolution. At that point the resolution will return to Congress. Congress can over ride the Presidents' approval with a two-thirds vote.

Once we finish our analysis we break down the accord and post our comments.

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