Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Second United States Civil War

On July 4th 1776, those colonists presented their King and the world the Declaration of Independence, becoming the first nation to declare  "...all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness...."

It has been 239 years since the signing of the Declaration of Independence.  These colonists united together and challenged not only the worlds greatest military might but the historic view that the rights of a nation state and its rulers were superior to the individual citizen

This notion provided individuals with the opportunity to not only dream but to work towards making their dreams reality.  It is the free individual and their desire to achieve is the backbone to the success of the United States.  For the past two centuries the United States has produced the greatest economy known to man. We must remember and understand it was NOT the federal government of the United States but the independent individual who makes this country great. Today there is a war against the independent individual and their pursuit to achieve their dream. This is the Second United States Civil War.

This war is being fought on several fronts within this nation's borders by enemies both foreign and domestic.The war rages on within our inner cities as well as inside our classrooms. Our main enemy is the Federales and their desire to destroy the independent individual with an ever invasive federal government.

The Enemies

The Federales

The Federales (fed-er-al-ees) are people and political leaders who believe life as we know it would cease to exist without the federal governments involvement in the individuals day to day lives. Federales believe the individual is lazy and incompetent and could not survive without government assistance. The movement is strong and is a direct threat to the strong independent individuals who made this country great. The success of the individual is formed in attitude and drive to succeed. An individual needs to believe they can achieve and needs leaders to reinforce that notion and provide an environment which nurtures it.  It is disgraceful when a leader tells the people they cannot succeed without their government.


We can be our worst enemy. It is challenging to live as a strong independent individual. It requires constant work and education. Knowledge is key to remain independent. An individual must be learning and looking for opportunities to learn constantly. We are fortunate to have the internet at our fingertips. Even with this incredible resource it is easy to become distracted and waste precious time with games and social media sites.

The strong independent individual must develop productive habits and eliminate and avoid destructive habits. Ben Franklin said it best "Early to bed early to rise, makes a man healthy wealthy and wise" Daily reading proper dieting and exercising regularly are necessary to provide yourself with the best chance of success.

Saving money and living within your means is critical. There will be times where you are unable to work, or you must pay for some type of unforeseen event. We as individuals must prepare ourselves for these types of events. We cannot sit back and expect the government to bail us out. Each time we do turn to government for help we weaken ourselves and strengthen the federales resolve. There are some people who need legitimately need help. When a healthy person chooses to apply for assistance instead of a job they are stealing from those that truly need it. We must also understand and accept there are times each of us needs help and that is why we have such programs in place. But in today's world we are being conditioned to not only search for a handout but believe we are entitled to such a handout. A piece of knowledge that seems to be forgotten is the old saying "Save for a rainy day" such wisdom should never be considered ancient wisdom.


The Independent Individual

The American Dream is about working hard. Not only physical work but mental work as well. In order to achieve success you must improve your skills, educate yourself, gain experience by working in positions that will improve your skills and knowledge in the field of your choice.  The individual must be strong with a positive attitude regardless of their situation or past failures. Failures must be embraced so the individual can learn and strengthen one's resolve.

Minimum wage

Minimum wage is an entry level wage. A place where you can begin. As you start your new job you need to be inspired to work and learn everything about your job and the business of your job. This will make you a more valuable employee. Your employer should in turn pay you a higher wage. You not only make yourself a more valuable employee but you also have made yourself more marketable. So if your employer does not increase your wage you can go to a competitor who will recognize your skills and reward you for them. The living wage people believe you should do the minimum amount of work they do not believe you should work on your own time to improve your skills either through formal education or studying on your own. They believe that just showing up you should receive enough money to take care of you and yours. This is not how the American Dream works.

Mom and Pop:

Walmart and other large corporations will not have a problem raising their payrolls 30-50%. The backbone of our economy is the desire for an individual to start running their own business. The small Mom and Pop businesses across the nation are the ones who will be forced to make difficult decisions. Mom and Pop are  the dreamers we must listen to and help. They have the traits, the desire and the motivation which makes our nation great. They are the secret to our success.

White Privilege:

This is truly poison. An individual works their ass off saving their money, living within their means, staying out of debt, sacrificing today so tomorrow their children can have a better opportunity and a stronger start in live then they did. Hard work and smart living has nothing to do with racism or privilege. It is about sacrifice. Your skin color doesn't matter. In turn the grown child works their ass off so their children can also get a step up when they begin their pursuit. This is not any type of privileged this is your parents sacrificing so you can succeed and more further up the line. Teach your children this and although you might not live in wealth and luxury your future generation may have a better opportunity. 


The United States adores the underdog. This nation started off as one of the biggest underdogs in the history of mankind.  We can understand and appreciate rooting for the underdog. When an underdog continues to win they are no longer underdogs and its time to turn against them. We see this in sports all the time. But this latest trend to attack and demonize the successful is ludicrous. We should study their tactics and habits to figure out how they became so financially successful and repeat it ourselves. Use them as role models. In our country anyone and everyone can achieve success. But its up to you. If you want to stand on line trying to get yourself the latest handout well your wasting your time. While you can receive many handouts each one diminishes that individual inside of you that needs to be strengthened. 


The Federales have taken over our classrooms. They have lowered our standards so everyone can pass. And based the whole program on a test so we can compare our nation of 250 million with a nation of 6 million. The Standard of learning test does not inspire, motivate or challenge our children. In fact for many children it is just a mental beat down a type of federal bullying. we need an education system that motivates inspires and challenges our children. This is something the Federales are not capable of developing. The sooner we remove our Education system out of the federales cabinet the sooner we will be able to teach our children to learn.  Today after a child spends 12 years in the Federales educational system they have learned hundreds of songs to help them memorize songs to get them to pass the SOL tests. Our children enter college with limited skills on how to learn or teach themselves with research skills. They meet professors who have hateful views on our nation and who distort history in order to promote their own social agenda. Our children need to enter college so they can learn to learn and discover the truth.

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