Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Iranian Nuclear Deal and Regard for Interests of Others

As our political leaders and media formulate their spin we have decided to wait until we can review the actual agreement. We like many have concerns over trusting Iran. We can only hope the President is correct in his assumption this treaty will prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon. Once the treaty is released we will post it here or provide a link to its location. Our concerns with the treaty but the process in which it was negotiated. We are concerned about the reaction of Iran's neighbors.

In September of 2009 the President spoke to the General Assembly of the United Nations regarding his perceived notion the United States was not considered trustworthy in the world and stated in his address;

 "Part of this was due to opposition to specific policies, and a belief that on certain critical issues, America has acted unilaterally, without regard for the interests of others.  And this has fed an almost reflexive anti-Americanism,..."

This treaty makes the President hypocritical. He is acting without the consent of the people for whom this treaty will affect. Iran and the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council—United States, Russia, China, France, United Kingdom—plus Germany and the European Union were at the negotiating table. Iran's neighbors were excluded.  The President despite his criticism of our nation in regards to considering the interests of others has done just that by excluding all of Iran's neighbors. These nations will feel the wrath if this deal goes bad or if Iran's intentions are not as promised. 

Has the President considered the interests of Iran's neighbors?
Additionally  since Iran's neighbors were not part of the deal there is no way we can predict their reactions and plans going forward. These nations must be concerned of Iran's head start in nuclear technology and now a sudden influx of  found cash.

President Obama in his six years in office has strengthened Iran by first running out of Iraq than ignoring the Syrian Civil War and finally overlooking ISIL. Now he may have just started an intense weapons race in the Middle East while positioning Iran to be a Middle East Superpower.

UPDATE 7/15/2015:
An article from the Associated Press  Arab World Worries

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