Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Immigration Reform Time to Realize the Problem

The US is in the middle of a severe immigration crises. Our politicians are so polarized and self serving they are unable and unwilling to address the issues. We the Resolved People must stand up and begin demanding Congress act to protect our present and future citizens.

We need to be able to understand the problems and those people who are adding to the problem.

Politicians Influencing Elections

Politicians such as Congressman Luis Gutierrez who has teamed up with some powerful organizations to create a gateway to flood the country with foreigners for no purpose other then to create a majority voting block. Our immigration laws set limits so one nation or geographic arena from flooding our nation in an attempt to influence our political races. Gutierrez has said on numerous occasions his goal is to import as many Hispanic people as possible in order to change our political arena.

Sections of Border Controlled by Cartels and Gangs

Currently the powerful Mexican drug cartels and US gangs control a large portion of the border. they are smuggling in young women, drugs, money and weapons. The smugglers are controlled by the gangs or cartels and in a sense are slaves themselves. Many start off very young and are trained to carry contraband. In the 80's I was approached and offered a lucrative position to be in charge of a couple vans that would run back and forth into Mexico.  I would never know what is in the vans I would have just been responsible dropping them off at certain locations. Needless to say I declined the job.  The business model in the 80's has been replaced. Now instead of paying an average joe a lucrative amount of cash run the trucks the work is now done for minimum cost by young who are members or trying to become members of the gangs or organization controlling the contraband.  Young women and girls are brought in to work at various strip clubs here and in Canada or in private houses throughout the US including such small cities as Manassas and Sterling VA.


Young women who are pregnant cross into the US from Mexico to arrive in the emergency rooms of hospitals to give birth. Their children are automatically citizens. Politicians from President Obama and down fall prey to this scam when they propose legislation to prevent the deportation of these young mother since it would break up the family. The US Medicaid program pays out $2 billion a year to reimburse hospital emergency room procedures for these births. There are over 383k children born to illegal and undocumented women each year. This represents about 10% of all US births. There is much legal discussion on how to amend the 14th Amendment. Many legal minds are convinced Congress or the State Department can define the phrase "...subject to the jurisdiction thereof..." to exclude people who are here visiting or are undocumented. The United States and Canada are the two remaining nations with (according to the IMF) advanced economies to provide birther rights. 


We need to implement a national ID. Each adult person within our borders should have such an ID citizen or long term visitor. The ID should be used for identification purposes, voting and benefits. Any non citizens would need to declare their purpose in the country. If they are here for temporary work, visiting or if they desire to apply for citizenship. Those wishing to become citizens would then be placed on a list. This will eliminate the frequent border crossings where immigrants believe United States amnesty procedures are to occur.

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