Thursday, July 2, 2015

The Real Benghazi Tradegy

Dereliction of Duty

Every month from May through Sept of 2012 messages were sent to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, President Obama, every US military base as well as embassy and official US facility across the globe. These are normal warnings sent out around certain holidays or anniversaries to remind US personnel to be vigilant as celebrations may increase the chances of an attack.  The message specified possible attacks on July 4 and Sept 11 Anniversary and asked all personnel and commands to be vigilant for possible assaults against US facilities and interests. Additional remarks were made to insure personnel refrain from excessive July 4th celebrations that may flaunt or antagonize local residents.

In addition to these warning Ambassador Stevens sent emails and official messages explaining his concerns about security at the Benghazi complex and increased chatter that an assault on the facility may occur on the anniversary of 9/11. Ambassador Stevens followed up these messages with phone calls and personal requests for additional security at the Benghazi facility. Ambassador Stevens also suggested the temporary withdrawal of Benghazi personnel if security measures could not be increased.

Why would President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton refuse to listen to Ambassador Stevens.  Stevens was an experienced diplomat who understood the dangers of his position. He understood the situation on the ground and his pleas for help were certainly not unfounded they were only ignored. A leader that refuses to listen to their people is not a leader at all.

Brief Overview of U.S. Diplomatic Security:

United States diplomats, their missions and visiting foreign diplomats are protected by the United States Diplomatic Security Service (DSS), a branch of the Department of State.  A Regional Security Officer (RSO) is the main security adviser and attache to a US Ambassador serving in each Embassy or Consulate.The Ambassador and Regional Security Officer work together with the State Department to insure security is maintained at our embassies and consulates.

John Christopher Stevens was the US Ambassador to Libya from May 2012 until his death on September of 2012. Ambassador Stevens was very familiar with Libya having served as the Deputy Chief of Mission in Libya from 2007-2009. He also served in Libya as a special representative to the National Transitional Council in 2011 during Libya's revolution.

 Eric Nordstrom began his career as a Regional Security Officer in 2000. His first assignment was as an Assistant RSO in Honduras. He began his tour of duty in Benghazi in September of 2011 and was transferred in July 2012. 

Violence Erupts

December 2011: a terror plot in Benghazi was prevented. Warnings were sent describing many Islamic terrorists were operating in and around Benghazi.

April: An explosive device being thrown at a UN convoy traveling in Benghazi

May: An RPG was launched at the offices of the International Red Cross in Benghazi

June: An IED is detonated outside the US Benghazi consulate compound

June: An RPG strikes a convoy carrying the Ambassador from Britain. The UK realizing the deteriorating environment closed their consulate.

How Could They Be Ignored

March 2012: RSO Eric Nordstrom sent a request for additional security. This request was ignored or lost. 

July: US Ambassador Stevens and RSO Eric Nordstrom sent multiple cables to Washington requesting additional security.

July 9th: Ambassador Stevens files to extend a 16 man Mobile Security Deployment Team service which was set to transfer in August.

August 2: Ambassador Stevens requested protective detail bodyguard positions. Ambassador Stevens stated "the security condition in Libya ... unpredictable, volatile and violent."

August: the State Department removed the 16 man security force. 

August 8: Stevens sends another cable to State Department stating "a series of violent incidents has dominated the political landscape". Stevens made it clear these attacks were not random and called them "targeted and discriminate attacks."

President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton not only ignored the events and requests coming from Ambassador Stevens and RSO Nordstrom that clearly justified the need for additional security forces. Instead these "leaders" ignored the recommendations and recklessly reduced security. The removal of the multiple security teams and the Regional Security Officer was negligent and a dereliction of duty.

The real tragedy of Benghazi:

The real tragedy is the rabbit hole journey Congress, the media and the public have taken since the murders. We are too distracted to focus on the negligent actions and dereliction of duty by our leaders. We allowed ourselves to fall prey to the political maneuvers of leaders more interested in their political and financial gains then the welfare of our nation and its people.

Thoughts and Prayers

Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith. CIA contractors, Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty and their families.

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